Friday, October 23, 2009

The Top 5 things I can't live without???

Having twins is the most difficult thing I've ever been through in my entire life. I'm not going to paint it all roses and sweetness. There have been some things that have been instrumental for me, in these first 4 months that have kept me from running off to Mexico.

1. An Amazing (and Handsome) Husband
I've said this about 1 million times in my life - my husband is my rock, and I have no idea how I'd make it through this world without him.

Aaron is incredibly patient, selfless, and my never failing cheerleader. He is such an incredible father, and took excellent care of me during my pregnancy. I credit hime with a huge portion of our relatively healthy, just shoy of 38 week pregnancy. He made sure I got enough restm fed me (endlessly!), and took over the household when I just couldn'y get things done anymore.
Even though, he is working 10-12 hours a week right now. He makes sure to get up every morning with the boys, schedule lunch days, and plans fun family events when he can.

I love you more everyday.... and you're the only man I want on my team. EVER.

2. A Solid support System
Being pregnant with twins is scary enough without having to listen to folks tell you that you'll certainly be on bed rest, that there's no way you won't have a C section, you'll never make it till June, and that you won't be able to work. (yes, I heard all of these, and more!)I was absolutely blessed to have a very strong support systems, not just from Aaron, but our family and friends. Having people that support your decisions birth / health care decisions was a lot of help, and I made it till June and gave birth natural because of all of them.

It also, helped that the boys were the third set of twins in our family. Aaron is a twin, so when we found out I was pregnant with twins, it helped him reconnect with his mom, it is still a work in progress, but we know she supports us. Also, Aaron oldest sister has 3 year old twin girls, and we are really, really close. Having her around all the time helped ease the nerves.

3. Food, and lots of it
For those who know me in real life ... starting from the day I knew I was pregnant (even before I knew I was cooking two babies!), I can pack away some food. I was ravenously hungry right off the bat with the twin pregnancy.When pregnant, I see that as a chance to start fresh .... in other words, here's 9 months to eat healthy, and give your baby a great start. When I found out I was pregnant with twins, I read Dr. Barbara Luke's book, and tried to focus on lots of water, protein, and calcium. I ate eggs for breakfast 5 times a week, and drank protein shakes every day.

Once the boys were born, this pattern of eating continued .... still lots of protein, calcium and water. Most days, I still have a ravenous appetite, and I don't get to take the time to eat and actually enjoy my food. Most of my eating is on the run.

One of the greatest gifts I received was food ..... in the form of home cooked meals, provided by my circle of friends. For over a month, every other day, a group of wonderful women brought me and my family meals ..... some women, I had never even met before. I can't tell you what a wonderful blessing this was for all of us.

4. Boppy pillows
I had 2 regular boppies and 1 double boppy. The individual ones worked out well for seperate propping feedings when I wasn't by myself. And the double boppy worked out nicely for when I was feeding them by myself.

5. DVR
Having twins I don't get to watch a lot of TV these days, except if you count Baby Einstein. After the boys go to sleep at night, and I am waiting for Aaron to get home, this is what keeps me sane. I'm a TV watcher and it is nice to be able to catch up on all my shows when I have the chance.

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