Ryder and Kyran share a bond that will last for life, they are identical twins, meaning they have the same DNA. As Aaron and I welcome Baby 3 into the world we hope that the bond will be shared between all 3 of them.
To Aaron and I Ryder and Kyran may look the same but they are two very different children. Ryder is our boy, boy he loves his dump truck, climbing on things, getting messy, he is also our adventourous one. Kyran likes to check ot the situation before he joins in, he loves snuggling and watching movies, and bathtime. They are two opposite children but love to be together and play together, they bring out the best in each other.
As Baby 3 enters this world, Aaron and I believe he or she will be a little bit of both Ryder and Kyran, ands since there is only 16 months age different that the bond will extend to this Baby.
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