9-month accomplishments:
- They love to feed themselves and pick out what they really like at the table, but will eat mostly anything. There favourite finger food is Cheerios (which mommy loves because they are so much cheaper).
- We are working on the sippy cup. Ryder is more consistent. We are hoping to say goodbye to the bottles once they are a year old.
- Both boys are crawling at full-speed these days, and getting into EVERYTHING!
- Ryder pulls up to stand these days like he has done it forever. He "cruises" around a lot while up there too. He never goes long distances, but will move around the coffee table or a square toy, with no problems.
- Kyran pulls up to stand too these days, but is extremely leary of how off balance he feels when up there, with only taking a few steps.
- Both boys can now pick up things with a pincer grasp and put it straight into their mouths.
- They are both interested in playing with toys that you take things in and out of it. I can even give them a container and they have fun putting stuff in it and taking it out.
- Ryder has started communication through tantrums these days.
- Teeth: Kyran has his two bottom teeth. Ryder top teeth broke through about a week ago.
- They have learned to make noise while covering and uncovering their mouth.
- say and waving 'bye-bye'
- crawling to someone and hanging at their feet when they want to be held
They are turning into such big boys, I can hardly believe it. I have such mixed emotions on that matter, as I am sure most of you can relate!
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