The favorite thing about being home is that I get to see all my friends, especially my closest friend in the world Jessica and her son, Landon! Isn't he adorable, and I can see the boys being such great playmats in the future.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Other Twins on the Block. . .
A couple down the street from my mom has 6 month old twin boys, and we have been passing each other everyday on our walks, that we decided today we should just walk and talk together to the park. It was actually nice to talk to someone who has experienced some of the stuff I am going through. Aren't they just as adorable too. . .
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Maybe I should unpack some of their toys!!!
I have slowly started unpacking the main things at my mom house. I am kind of in a frenzy right now, because we are moving again in November, and don't want to have to repack a lot of stuff again, so right now I am being picking and choosy lately. That supposebly all the toys that I picked for boys, they would rather play with the stuff in the cupboards. That yesterday, my mom and I walked into the kitchen to see that Ryder got the lid off the a bottle of oil, and was all shiny, and of course I had to take pictures before I cleaned up the mess !!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Finally some down time . . . in the middle of the ocean no less!
This is going to be short and sweet, since I do not know how long this conncection is going to last, we are officially on Day #7 of our cruise, if you can believe it, June has just flown by. . . but here is a quickie.

June 1st: My babies turned 1.
June 2nd: Had first ultrasound of Baby #3.
June 4th: We packed up and strted our drive to Nashville
June 7th: Arrived in Nashville. . . we were driving with two babies.
June 10th: We flew to England.
June 12th: We boarded the Disney Magic and are on there till the 24th.
We will return home on June 26th, say goodbye to Daddy for two weeks.
Here are some pictures that a friend took of the boys and me, of our final days in LA.

Monday, May 31, 2010
Twin Bond

Ryder and Kyran share a bond that will last for life, they are identical twins, meaning they have the same DNA. As Aaron and I welcome Baby 3 into the world we hope that the bond will be shared between all 3 of them.
To Aaron and I Ryder and Kyran may look the same but they are two very different children. Ryder is our boy, boy he loves his dump truck, climbing on things, getting messy, he is also our adventourous one. Kyran likes to check ot the situation before he joins in, he loves snuggling and watching movies, and bathtime. They are two opposite children but love to be together and play together, they bring out the best in each other.
As Baby 3 enters this world, Aaron and I believe he or she will be a little bit of both Ryder and Kyran, ands since there is only 16 months age different that the bond will extend to this Baby.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Its been a crazy week. . .
What a busy crazy week!!! Aaron and I are busy getting ready for the boys 1st birthday. . . the whole family is coming out to LA to celebrate, for a fun birthday bash on Tuesday. The following weekend Aaron's brother Nick, my parents, Aaron, the boys and myself will be driving back to Nashville (aaaaah), where we will living until Baby #3 is here, which will be around the end of October. Aaron will spend the month of June with us, every other weekend, then the month of October until the baby is born. The boys will also spend two weeks out in LA with Aaron and his parents as I prepare for us to move us to Florida. Wow, I'm tired thinking of it.
Back to now, I have been busily packing for our move and trip in August. I just could not pass these picture of Kyran and Ryder being goofballs as I pack their beach toys.

Back to now, I have been busily packing for our move and trip in August. I just could not pass these picture of Kyran and Ryder being goofballs as I pack their beach toys.

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
1st Mother Day
Was absolutely amazing. I got to sleep in till 10:30 AM. (I don' think that has hapeened since I was pregnant), then when I got up Aaron and the boys made bisuits for breakfast (yummy).
It was really Yummy! (Kyran)
Ryder and I stop for a picture moment. We were on are way to grab a toy from downstairs.

Taking a rest, playing all day is hard.

Taking a rest, playing all day is hard.
Kyran practicing his push-ups, just like Daddy.
Aaron even made dinner and it was delicious, and I never expected so many wonderful gifts. I am truly blessed.

Yellow Daisies and a Macy's Gift Card from Aaron.

Photo and Handprint of Kyran

Photo and Handprint of Ryder.

Photo and Handprint of Kyran

Photo and Handprint of Ryder.
I have the most wonderful family in the world !!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Count Down Begins. . .
and I am a day behind, as usual. The boys will be 1 years old in 29 days, can you believe it. It has gone by in a heart beat. I will post their 1 year photos after our trip back home from very hot and sunny Florida. For a preview those check the new title and side bar.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Theme of 2010 . . .
UNEXPECTED SURPRISES . . . Aaron all the time gets jobs offered to go work at Music Studios across the country, especially since he is highly trained both in Engineering and Consulting (he took both in college, because he did not know what aspect he actually wanted to go). He just loves music in general. Anyways, while most of the time he politely turns them down because he loves the firm he works with now, they are very flexible with his work schedule (as long as he puts in the hours), he does not have to travel much (which this mommy enjoys), and they are a good bunch of guys.
While, with baby #3 on the way, we have been talking a lot about our concerns about raising 3 kids surrounded with no family, out here in LA. When on Wednesday one of the guys from his company approached him and said there is a great opportunity in Florida (Gainsville to be exact), at first we were like no, no changing company's not an option. Then we went out for supper with him and his wife, and he talked so highly about them, and it was like these two studios worked close that the transition might not be as bad, and there would be no hard feelings if he left this company for another.
To make a long story short, we are going to spend 5 days in Gainsville (Aaron is actually), I am headed to Walt Disney World with my mom and dad and the boys, while he checks it out, but where I stand know is that it is 10 time closer to our families then LA, it is only an hr. away from my favorite vacation place, and to top it all off their 2nd studio is Nashville, which means when he / we travel it means we will be heading home.
Wish us luck, and I could not leave out cute pictures of my favorite little men. Enjoy!
While, with baby #3 on the way, we have been talking a lot about our concerns about raising 3 kids surrounded with no family, out here in LA. When on Wednesday one of the guys from his company approached him and said there is a great opportunity in Florida (Gainsville to be exact), at first we were like no, no changing company's not an option. Then we went out for supper with him and his wife, and he talked so highly about them, and it was like these two studios worked close that the transition might not be as bad, and there would be no hard feelings if he left this company for another.
To make a long story short, we are going to spend 5 days in Gainsville (Aaron is actually), I am headed to Walt Disney World with my mom and dad and the boys, while he checks it out, but where I stand know is that it is 10 time closer to our families then LA, it is only an hr. away from my favorite vacation place, and to top it all off their 2nd studio is Nashville, which means when he / we travel it means we will be heading home.
Wish us luck, and I could not leave out cute pictures of my favorite little men. Enjoy!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
In six short months. . .
Aaron had the evening off last night, so we had a delicious meal at home, and were able to sit back relax and talk. Of course, that talk led us to the big conversation that in 6 short months we will be parents to 3 little ones under the age of 2. We are both exicted and nervous at the same time. We know we do have to make some changes in our life, having both our families live so far from us is really hard, we did agree that we want to have the baby at home in not in LA, so after our trip with my parents I will be moving in with them, and Aaron will travel back and forth until about August where he will work at the company quarters in Nashville until the baby is born. Will this move be permanent I don't know... we like the idea, but I also know Aaron loves his job out in LA, so we do not know what the future holds from there.
I know for certain that I will need more help, let that be a family member or a nanny ( I like the idea of a family member better), but with 3 kids in diapers, two of which are high energy boys, and another little one, it would be tough on your own, for the 1st little while at least. Aaron knows that, and he is a fantastic farther and does everything he can with the boys. I am truly blessed, but at the same time he is the one that brings money into our household and supports all 4 of us, therefore he sacrifices a lot of his time to make us happy.
Just to let you know how crazy our life can be sometimes, Aaron was home last night, so instead of me doing dishes along with the bottles from the day, I let it slide to this afternoon, so we could spend some time as a family which left me this chaotic mess at lunch time. . . 

Now add one more baby on a bottle, and there goes half my day. (My mom did point out that I could probably wean the Ryder and Kyran onto sippy cups so it would not be that bad, and they could be put into the dishwaser, I might just do that). I don't know how moms of triplets do it.
Another suggestion I got from a friend, was get the boys to help out. (She joking of course)! Could you imagine them helping out at 16 months. Then again they do love playing in the dishwasher, so might as well train them young.
At the end of the day, I know the best thing for our growing family will be, and that I am truly exicted for whatever the future may hold, and this little one on the way :))
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