Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My poor baby! :(

So Ryder has been sick for a while now. About 13 days ago, he had a bit of a stuffy nose. Nothing special. A few days after that it started draining, but still nothing special. On Tuesday, I called his Pediatrician because he started these AWFUL coughing fits. As per evidence the AAP has, we wouldn't start antibiotics until the 2 week mark because it's more likely viral. I totally get that.

Today, the cough sort of subsided! Ryder most certainly was not better, because he is a different child than I have ever seen today. Sleeping non-stop, clingy as all get out (crying if left down for even a second, and usually even crying in my arms), not eating (what?!) and... spiking fevers left and right. After Tylenol, it was 102. It was 103 and climbing quickly when the Tylenol faded after an hour or two.

Ears looked "pink but not 103 pink". Throat looked "pink but not 103 pink". Lungs sound ok, but per our (brilliant, I think!) pediatrician, sometimes kids "hide" pneumonia. "Let's just rule it out", he says.

Or, let's just rule it in. He has pneumonia! :( I'm glad we caught it fairly early, and praying that it's bacterial and responds to antibiotics quickly, because he's miserable. He had a terrible day as it was, then went to the doctor and had stuff stuck up his nose and on his fingers, then to the hospital for xrays, IV blood draws and heel sticks.

Please keep him in your prayers, and Kyran as well -- he's about 7 days behind in symptoms but following the same path. The good news is, that likely just means he has the same virus that started it all. The odds are in his favor that he won't also have it settle into pneumonia, but at least we know what we're dealing with.

We'll see Dr. B again tomorrow to make sure he isn't getting worse. I'll keep you posted!

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